This policy sets out how we manage customer reviews for both products and Marketplace Sellers on our platform. All reviews must comply with the policy. We reserve the right to remove or refuse to publish any review that does not comply with this policy.

  1. All reviews:
    a) can only be made if you have purchased a product on or from a Seller on our platform;
    b) must be relevant and directly related to the reviewed product or Seller;
    c) must not be solicited in any way by a third party;
    d) must not be conducted by a party with a commercial/personal interest in the manufacturer or supplier of the goods or services;
    e) must not contain language or content which is considered defamatory, offensive, hurtful or abusive; and
    f) must not contain personal contact information including full names, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses or other such information.
  2. MBeautiful does not allow parties to post reviews designed to mislead consumers, or which we otherwise deem to abuse our review functionality. Where we suspect or become aware of any activity we deem to be a misuse of our review tool, we reserve the right not to display or remove any such material.
  3. By submitting a review, you agree to MBeautiful’s Privacy Policy, which applies to any personal information we collect, share and store in the process of accepting review.
  4. By submitting a review you irrevocably assign any and all intellectual property rights in your review content, including copyright, to and NYV Pty Ltd , and you irrevocably consent to any conduct by MBeautiful that constitutes an infringement of any moral rights in any review material submitted to MBeautiful.
  5. In addition to any other rights we may have under this policy, we reserve the right not to publish, or remove from our Website, any review we deem to be in breach of this policy and our review guidelines. To the maximum extent permitted by law, MBeautiful nor any of its related bodies corporation (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001) shall not be liable to you or any third party for any material authored by you which is featured on our website(s) as part of our review functionality. You hereby indemnify and hold MBeautiful harmless against any loss, damage, claim, demand, suit or action incurred by MBeautiful as a result of your breach of this policy.
  6. All reviews published by MBeautiful are the views of the author and do not constitute MBeautiful’s own views and are not endorsed by MBeautiful.